Community Wealth Building Fund Ballot Question

p. 1

Ballot Question
The petition is for the purpose of amending the Baltimore City Charter to add Section 20 to
Article I, establishing a continuing, non-lapsing Community Wealth Building Fund to be used
exclusively to provide broadly defined projects and programs related to expanding community
ownership such as worker owned co-operative businesses, community owned land trusts,
agriculture, investment funds, financial institutions and utilities.
Revenue for the Fund will be non-lapsing and permanent through a mandatory annual
appropriation in the Ordinance of Estimates of an amount equal to at least $0.06 on every $100
of assessed or assessable value of all property in the City of Baltimore or its equivalent in
payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) contributions by medical and educational nonprofits.The
Charter amendment will not mandate any new tax or tax increase, and would allow the City to
determine the source of funds provided that the mandatory amount is complied with.
The fund shall not be used to replace existing City support for community wealth building
activities and may not be used to support projects controlled by a medical or educational anchor
institution subject to a PILOT.
The Petition authorizes and directs oversight, governance, and administration of the Fund by a
15-member Commission appointed by the Mayor (or the City Council President if the Mayor
fails to make timely appointments) to represent various constituencies with relevant expertise.
The commission shall make recommendations to the City regarding the negotiation of future
PILOT agreements, and shall use the fund to address structural racism and historic
For the Charter Amendment
Against the Charter Amendment
Full text:
Art. 1, ยง 20. Community Wealth Building Fund.
(a) Fund established; Scope.
(1) There is a continuing, non-lapsing fund to be used to create, support, and sustain
community wealth building activities in Baltimore City, which shall be defined as
including, but not limited to:
(i) worker owned co-operative businesses.
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