12-22-23 Statement

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As the Mayor of Fresno, I proudly stand with members of the Muslim, Jewish and
Palestinian community who are leaders of their respective faiths in this great
city. All of us, together, believe in the promise of One Fresno. We stand unified
and believe there is only one side in Fresno, and that is the side of peace, unity
and nonviolence.
There is no room for hatred. There is no room for intolerance. There is no room
for prejudice. And there is no room for the killing of innocent people.
As Mayor of Fresno, and the leaders representing the Jewish and Muslim faiths,
we hope for a peaceful resolution to conflicts and pledge to work together toward
a future where religious sectarianism is a thing of the past.
Our vision is a Fresno where every Muslim, Jewish and Palestinian resident feels
secure in their homes and free to enjoy all the city has to offer without fear of
violence, without fear of being derided, and without fear of being threatened.
Here in Fresno, we may be Jewish, we may be Muslim, we may be Christian, we
may adhere to one of the many faiths that together make this city great – but we
are all Americans.
We extend an open invitation to all religious denominations, organizations, and
individuals in Fresno to join us as we stand in solidarity as One Fresno.
Together, let us champion tolerance and understanding as we strive to make our
city an exemplar of unity for all.
City of Fresno • 2600 Fresno Street • Fresno, California 93721-3600
(559) 621-8000 • www.fresno.gov
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