NYS 1:2019cv04417 complaint attachment 20

p. 1

Natasha Bannan
From: Natasha Bannan
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 4:51 PM
To: Jacqueline.Scott@treasury.gov; FOIA@treasury.gov; FOIAPL@treasury.gov
Cc: sllanes@ccrjustice.org; PSpees@ccrjustice.org; DCharney@ccrjustice.org; carla minet
Subject: RE: FOIA Follow-up 2017-02-121
Ms. Scott,
Thank you for your email below. I’d like to propose a reinstatement of the agreement that we reached
about a year ago with your predecessor, where Treasury provides us with a rolling production based on
the documents that have already been identified as responsive to our request. Can you let me know what
a timeline for such a production would look like?
In addition, please confirm whether there are any records included in our request that Treasury has
determined are not in their possession. As I understand it from Mr. Jenkins, the Department underwent
its initial determination a year ago as to which documents were responsive and the current wait is a
result of internal vetting, not record identification.
Thank you,
Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan
Associate Counsel
LatinoJustice PRLDEF
Committed to Justice and Leadership since 1972
99 Hudson Street 14th Floor | New York, NY 10013
T: 212.739.7583 T: 800.328.2322
*Admitted to Practice in New York and New Jersey
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From: Jacqueline.Scott@treasury.gov [mailto:Jacqueline.Scott@treasury.gov]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 1:16 PM
To: Natasha Bannan <nbannan@latinojustice.org>; FOIA@treasury.gov; FOIAPL@treasury.gov
Cc: sllanes@ccrjustice.org; PSpees@ccrjustice.org; DCharney@ccrjustice.org
Subject: RE: FOIA Follow-up 2017-02-121
Good afternoon Ms. Bannan,
Thank you for your follow-up to the subject request. I can only continue to apologize for any inconvenience this may
cause your organization.
Case 1:19-cv-04417 Document 1-20 Filed 05/16/19 Page 1 of 9
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